This weekend was a big weekend here in the Wilson household. I had my 30th birthdy and while many people freak out over that milestone, I was totally looking forward to it because 1. I looove birthdays and 2. there just seems to be something very liberating about leaving the twenties behind even though my twenties were a pretty good decade. Justin, knowing my love of all things from the decade prior to my birth, got me a birthday complete with tie dye icing and a Volkswagen Microbus. We celebrated Friday night with a meal at The Melting Pot (something new and very yummy) and then again yesterday with some wings and burgers at my mom's house because, well, one party just isn't enough and my mom likes to spoil me. All in all, a pretty great day!
My cake and new VW (courtesy of my sister)
At the risk of jumping the gun, I have a little bit of bragging to do. Eleanor has been strictly a potty-using girl since Friday. Friday! That is FOUR whole days of no diapers (except at night and even then she stays dry all night)! She has done so well with this whole potty thing- the biggest problem is that she wants me to come and sit for a chat while she potties. This involves me stopping
whatever I might be doing and going to sit on the edge of the tub while she potties. And now that she is a big girl, no plain old underwear will do this girl. It has to be "pennies" which is her word for panties. No hand-me-down
Spiderman underoos from Alden and definitely no diapers- it has to be pennies and preferably with princesses. Because you know, a Princess needs her pennies.
Big changes are going on in the Wilson6 household. First of all, my sweet little Harper rolled over last night. Yes, I said rolled over. She was on her tummy and just flipped on over. You could have punched me in the face, I was so shocked. Unfortunately, she doesn't get as much floor time as she probably should because the "Middles" will torment her with their twisted version of love and she ends up getting irritated. Plus, they are not always so attentive to the fact that my little
Chubba-dub is in the floor and have at times come perilously close to falling on her or tripping over her. But she proved last night that she has places to go and things to do. I
just wish that she wasn't in such a hurry. It makes me tear up to just think about.
And Eleanor has finally decided to use the potty. Today, we bought one of those padded toilet seat insert thingies at Target (complete with illustrations of Dora on it), came home and put it on the potty. And she
pottied. And has been dry all afternoon. Amazing. After my false hope with Alden last December, I am trying to not get my hopes up, but I would love to only have one kid in diapers finally. I had a few months between Alden potty training and Harper's arrival but the idea of just ONE baby in diapers- it makes me squeal with glee just thinking about it. Unfortunately, Eleanor's decision to start
pottying has also come with a fierce smart ass attitude which is driving me insane at a very painful rate and, for the life of me, figure where she got it.
I have to send a HUGE shout out to my mom and sister for voting today! My poor mom has had to listen to me rant for the past 6 months or more about politics and even accompanied us to the Obama rally (IN THE RAIN) yesterday. And she voted for the first time in 20 YEARS! Then my poor sister had to miss half of day at work because she waited for 4 HOURS to vote today. But can I just say how proud I am? Well, I am. I live in the largest precinct in my county and was astounded at the turnout this year. During the last Presidential election, I waited maybe 30 minutes to vote and this year it was 2.5 hours. It is an exciting time in American politics and I am glad that more people are getting involved. As always, Zachary accompanied me to the polls as he has since he was 8 months old. We're just hoping that we picked a winner this year since we are 0 for 2 so far. But we're hoping that the need for CHANGE is on our side. Yes we can.
And I need to make a correction to this post, it has actually been 32 YEARS since my mom last voted. Her last election was Jimmy Carter in 1976. Crazy.
Zachary and I are in line to vote right now. Surprisingly, I could see my backyard from the line at the high school. Perhaps that makes me qualified to be the principal. LOL.

Since I know that cyberspace is waiting with baited breath, without further ado, I present the Wilson Halloween. Let me just say right now that getting a picture of 4 kids that has a majority looking at the camera with open eyes and without an odd expression is damn near impossible. Just sayin'.
Harper is surpised that Halloween involves taking 294798456 pictures.
Princess Eleanor just seconds after a tantrum that lasted about 20 minutes because she needed caaaaaaaaaaaaandy.

Mad Scientist Zachary (with a PhD in Experimental Science) making his crazy face.

Dr. Wilson's name tag

The Aldenbot 3000 complete with a functioning light switch. If I had just 1 more week, it would have had functioning lights too.