
I have managed to come up with no less than 47 random nicknames for my kids over the years. Zachary was Zachary-do-dah (and occasionally turkey butt). Alden is my Noni or sometimes Onion (his evil doppelganger). Eleanor has been Girlfriend (said with the connotation that it should followed with 2 snaps up). Now the time has come for Harper to earn her nicknames. I am fairly sure that I have called her 'Harper' maybe 4 times in the 9 weeks that she has been around. It started out as Chubba-Wubba, then it evolved to Chubba-Dubba (the kids call her Chubba Dubba Wubba) and now she has become Chupachubra- not to be confused with the chupacabra since she tends to prefer a goat-free diet. Notice the theme of chub in the names. Bless her heart, she has the sweetest little chubby legs and cheeks- I love them. After the craziness that was Eleanor's infancy (well, the craziness continues but just to a lesser degree), Harper is a welcome respite from the storm. Let's just hope that she doesn't hate me for all of the nicknames.


If you hear a strange popping sound around 8:00 pm tonight, don't worry. That's just my head exploding because I am *that* excited to see the Indigo Girls tonight. Keep your fingers crossed that Harper loves them too and let's me enjoy the music.

Daddy's Little Girls

Since Justin doesn't get much face time here, I thought I would throw on some cute pics from this weekend of him with the girls. As a Daddy's Girl, I had some clue of what he was in store for when we had girls but he was completely blindsided. Just wait until they're teenagers. :) I had a wonderful relationship with my Daddy and I look forward to watching our girls develop that kind of bond with Justin. As you can see, they are a cute trio.