If there is one thing that can bring me down, it is the long and drawn-out end of winter. By the end of February, I am longing for the spring time warmth and, in general, just tired of being cold. When we lived in FL, I remember thinking it was so odd to have an entire winter without cold weather but honestly, now I would take it. I'm ready to get out of the house and play in the yard. Open the windows and enjoy the breeze. Take pictures with good lighting (something that is impossible inside our house). Plant my garden. Think more about getting chickens. But alas, we still have the end of winter to endure. Luckily, we received a respite from the cold this past weekend when the sun came out and it was warm enough to play outside without 74 layers of clothing. And obviously as you can tell by the above picture, Harper was simply delighted at the prospect of posing for a picture.

Eleanor dropping leaves on me my head
Zachary throwing the football with Justin