Let the blogging begin

So I've wanted to start a blog for months now but couldn't think of a good title. Lame reason, I know, but if I am going to do a blog, by God, I am going to do it right. That includes a snappy title. Unfortunately, a snappy title never came to me in my sleep (and I am too darn forgetful to try to think of one during the day) so here it is- the Wilson 5 Chronicles. Nothing too cool, just what it is. A chance for me to write about us and what goes on in this little piece of chaos we call home. So for anyone reading who doesn't know why there is a 5 after that snappy name up in the title- here is a rundown of us. Justin (husband and dad) works in management for a company that makes robots and likes to talk about cars- All.The.Time., Amy (me!) stays at home and eats cookies while watching soap operas and occasionally yelling at her kids to put the pirate swords down before someone loses an eye, Zachary is 7 and likes baseball, Batman and dreaming of hitting the pro-surfing tour, Alden is 2 and likes Cars (the movie but also cars-the toys you pour out of the basket as soon as they are picked up) and trains (or choo-choo cranes as he calls them) and Eleanor is 1 and likes to pretend she can't walk unless you leave the room, then she walks all over the place because she is not about to let her walking schedule be dictated by the Man.

So there you have it- a brief intro to us. I don't really have an expectations for this blog- I just thought it would be fun to get some of my random thoughts out of my head before I lose them and never find them.

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