Wow- I just realized that it's been over 2 months since I blogged. I find myself just throwing the pictures on Facebook and just forgetting about them. But with the new year rapidly approaching (maybe too rapidly), I find myself resolving to be better about blogging in 2010. In that vein, I thought I would do a series of posts to catch up with the Wilson crew since I last blogged.
Well, we had a Halloween party- our 1st annual Halloween party. I have to say that I love Halloween. Always have, probably always will. I would almost dare say that I enjoy it more than Christmas. Perhaps it is my love of skulls (particularly sugar skulls) or my interest in vampire lore and the supernatural, I don't know. I enjoy it. So this year, I decided that I wanted to have a party and thus finally have a legitimate excuse to dye my hair pink to go with my fairy costume.

This is probably the best pic that I have- my tutu/skirt was massive and weighed a ton but what girl doesn't love a tutu. I even wore mine while I was out running last minute errands prior to the party- luckily, I had Eleanor the Rainbow with me so her cuteness helped to mask my dorkiness. Obviously, Justin is a vampire because vampires are unable to resist fairies. (Sookie Stackhouse reference)

Here is Vampire Justin with Zachary as that brilliant sleuth, Sherlock Holmes.

Alden as Bumblebee. Sigh. I tried to convince him that he wanted to be something else (that perhaps wasn't so common) but he could not be steered away from Bumblebee.

Harper the Sunshine.
And no pictures of Eleanor. :( I am a bad mom. It rained for most of the day and then, once the party started, she was off and running with Sophie so I neglected to get any pictures of her. Plus, she can be quite difficult to catch in a picture when she is feeling ornery. Sigh- but she was an adorable Rainbow complete with Rainbow tutu. The original plan had been for all of the kids to be weather themed- Alden was going to be lightning, but the boys bailed on that idea.
The week before the Halloween party (I didn't say this would be in chronological order), Alden's class went on a field trip to a pumpkin patch and I got to go! This was very excited since it was the first time that I got to be a chaperone. Usually, I have a baby that can't be left or a husband who is travelling so I can never go on field trip but this time the stars aligned and I was able to go. So, I hopped on the big yellow school bus and off we went.

Alden's girlfriend and Eleanor's best friend, Sophie, on the hay ride

Running for pumpkins

I had so much fun as a chaperone- the kids were pretty well behaved and it was fun to watch Alden interact with his friends. It also made me realize that under no circumstances do I ever want to be a 4K teacher.