I love parades. If there is a parade nearby, we try to attend. And at Christmas time, there is an abundance of parades going on. So this year, I had my parade schedule planned out and was ready to attend 5 different parades. But alas, Mother Nature and her wiley ways ruined me with the weather. It was raining for 3 of the parades, Justin was golfing during one parade (and while I normally would go without him, this one was further away than normal so I wanted backup), and we only got to go to 1 parade. :( So, on Saturday morning, we bundled up against the 30 degree temps and headed out to the Boiling Springs parade. There were the usual fire trucks and police cars. People throwing out candy and bands marching in lines. And a very happy Amy who finally got to go to a parade this year.

A rag tag crew of mischief makers

Harper with one of her treats from the parade

Eleanor getting her groove on

Alden chasing down the candy

Zachary excited to go home and eat candy