There were a list of things around the house that we've wanted or needed to do for a while and kept putting off in the name of doing other stuff on the weekends. I always hate to have Justin come home from working all week only to have to work all weekend. But this week, he arrived home to a list of stuff that we were going to get done so we loaded up the Suburban and headed to Lowe's. Now I have to confess, I know that many women either don't like, have no use for, or are intimidated by Lowes but I love it. Love it. I could drop a load of cash in there and always come out with a list of things that I want to do. We hope to replace the flooring in the house soon but that will have to wait for a few months since, well, the money tree has yet to start producing. So we went for knocking off some of the smaller projects. First up, the light in our front yard needed replacing. Every house in our neighborhood started out with the same light and over the years, some people have replaced theirs for whatever reason. We had to replace ours because the globe was stolen when we lived in Florida and the rain shorted out the electrical stuff (we think). Yes, it has been out for 3 years. Before we replaced it, it refused to come on at dusk as it was supposed to do but it worked perfectly if you would go up and smack the hell out of it. It was like on of those tap lights or whatever they're called. You know the ones from the infomercial- yeah, that was our yard light. So, we bought a new pole and new lighting fixture and Justin took to replacing it. Let me say this now- I am forever grateful to have a husband who is so talented at fixing things. So it went down like this:

First, after turning off the power and unhooking all the wiring, you have to work on getting the pole out of the ground:
After breaking the hold of the cement, the pole will finally be free:
Then you do this because, well, it's pretty damn funny:
Then, you ride the pole off into the sunset:
Then spent quality time with his lovely daughters: