Let's even out the odds

I have a thing for symmetry. I like my numbers to come in pairs- I will always pick things that come in even numbers over anything that is odd. It's just my quirk. Justin claims that it is because I was an accountant but I just think that is how it is in my little world. Anyway, as of July 14th at 4:24 pm, our little family is finally evened out with the arrival of Harper Eliza Wilson. She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and was 20 1/4 in long and perfect in every single way. She is the very image of baby Alden and also has his laid back temperament so far. She is nursing like a pro and actually sleeping a decent amount at night. We are very lucky. Harper has completed us in so many ways that we didn't even know were missing. And she evened out the odds in our odd little world.

1 Response to "Let's even out the odds"

  1. Christy Correll-Hughes Says:

    OOOOOOOOO I am aquiver with all the new baby sweetness- give her a cuddle and a kiss for me!