
As with any self respecting woman who was 12 years old back in 1989 or thereabouts, I had an intense love of the New Kids on the Block. Personally, I found Jordan to be the hottest (with Joey as a close second but he seemed so young at the time) and backed this deep affection up with a small collection of oversized buttons, jumbo puzzle, a couple of dolls (or action figures), and a set of NKOTB sheets on my bed. And now, like any good mother, I am passing my traditions on to the my daughters by brainwashing Eleanor into loving then new incarnation of the New Kids. Whenever their song "Summertime" comes on VH1, Eleanor squeals (who am I kidding, I squeal a little too) and starts to dance. By watching the video, you quickly figure out a few things: 1. Donnie Wahlberg needs to button his shirt and perhaps tone down the precision haircut 2. Danny and Jon (Jonathan?) are easily the least popular Kids as they have almost no face time in the video (and rightly so as Danny looks slightly like he might hurt someone as any minute) and 3. age and time cannot tarnish the utter hotness of Jordan Knight. Even Eleanor has to agree with my on the Jordan thing, she will say that "Jorjan" is hew New Kid on the Block. At least I am able to rest easy knowing that I am teaching my kids the important things in life.

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