So it appears that we have had a bit of a growth spurt happening around here this weekend. Remember those sweet, tiny, precious little baby plants that I posted on Friday? Well, apparently, they've gone and hit adolescence already. When I took the pictures on Friday night, only the cucumbers had really begun to sprout and look now- everything is growing growing growing. I am keeping an eye on the weather reports and barring any frost warnings, some of these babies will be in the ground soon.

The seedlings in the foreground are skinny little tomato vines, the fat round ones right behind are zucchini, the ones in the middle with the secondary leaves coming in are peas, and in tall ones in the back are cucumbers. There are also basil and onions sprouting as well.

As a frame of reference (and I should have taken a similar shot on Friday), the cucumbers were maybe 2.5 or 3 inches tall on Friday.

So, for the past 2 days, we have been working on preparing a small portion of the backyard to plant a garden. In the past we've thrown a few pepper plants or tomato plants into random parts of the yard, but I decided that this was going to be the year to have a real garden. So, I've got some seeds started in a mini greenhouse inside (basically a plastic tray with peat discs) and a threw a few seeds into the ground just to see how they'll do (those white rocks you see in the garden are just markings to remind me where I have planted different seeds- I'm sure there is a better way to do this). Hopefully, in a few months, we'll have a huge crop of tomatoes, onions, zucchini, cucumbers, and peas. I've also planted some basil seeds to see if I can get some herbs going. And in a few weeks, I'll plant some pepper plants in the front yard- I always plant them in the front flower bed and end up with about 490875 bushels of peppers. So, it begins. I hope that we do well since my dream is to have a small farm and this is about as close as I am going to get any time soon. If only I could have a few chickens.....
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This morning, Alden had his first ragball game and did very well considering that the temperature was 39 degrees and the wind was gusting something like 70 mph. Okay, so maybe the wind wasn't blowing exactly that hard, but it was fairly brisk. Alden managed to hold it together and actually hit the ball once, then kind of sort of run the bases. As far as fielding, the ball came near him a few times but he managed to cheer on his teammates with gusto.

That's Alden with his new (girl)friend, Sophie.

Today is Justin's 30th birthday so I wanted to take a minute to send a big shout out and happy birthday to my best friend! I hope that the day is grand and full of sunshine. I wasn't lucky enough to get to spend the first 18 of your birthdays with you but look forward to spending every other one together for the rest of our lives. And I think we are off to a great start so far. I love you!
Harper is getting too big for her infant carseat so I took some pictures of her sitting in it yesterday. I now it sounds weird but I am finding myself being a little bit sadder than the other kids whenever she does something that moves her closer to being a "big kid" which includes moving to the big kid car seat. I mean, wasn't she just born 2 days ago- why is she so insistent on growing up so fast? But in the course of going through the pics, this picture really stuck out- look at the length of her lashes. Amazing. I have to say that I am more than a little jealous.

And I apologize for being slack on blogging, we have spent everyday since last Thursday outside. Except for meals and a couple of errands, we have done nothing but run around the yard like maniacs playing with kites and bubbles. I love spring.