So it appears that we have had a bit of a growth spurt happening around here this weekend. Remember those sweet, tiny, precious little baby plants that I posted on Friday? Well, apparently, they've gone and hit adolescence already. When I took the pictures on Friday night, only the cucumbers had really begun to sprout and look now- everything is growing growing growing. I am keeping an eye on the weather reports and barring any frost warnings, some of these babies will be in the ground soon.

The seedlings in the foreground are skinny little tomato vines, the fat round ones right behind are zucchini, the ones in the middle with the secondary leaves coming in are peas, and in tall ones in the back are cucumbers. There are also basil and onions sprouting as well.

As a frame of reference (and I should have taken a similar shot on Friday), the cucumbers were maybe 2.5 or 3 inches tall on Friday.
March 31, 2009 at 12:28 PM
that Green Thumb is really working.
They look good and healthy
April 1, 2009 at 12:20 PM
Hey I love the new header- very cool chic!