So it has a been a while since my last post. Justin has been gone a lot in the past month (as in gone for weeks on end) but he managed to make it home for most of the week before Mothers' (Mother's, Mothers- which is it?) Day. As luck would have it, it rained for most of the week so we didn't get to get out and do very much although we did go to
Hatcher Gardens one day. I've been busy with herding the kids as well getting the yard ready for spring/summer and going on a painting kick in the house. In the week leading up to Justin coming home, I managed to cut the grass, put down pine needles, plant some new flowers, get the garden cleaned out and plant a few more plants, paint the bedroom and clean the house- all of this one top of the daily laundry, preparing at least 2 (most days 3) meals a day, changing diapers, taking Eleanor to the dentist, shuffling to Alden's
ragball practices and games,
picking up Zachary from school, grocery shopping, and preventing 4 kids from injuring themselves. Of course, now that we have had enough rain to necessitate to building of an ark, I get to start all over with the yard stuff. So take that to people who think that stay at home moms have an easy job and just sit around and watch the soap operas. So my poor camera has become very neglected with the exception of an occasional rag
ball game where I basically just shoot on auto lately (something I loathe to do) because I haven't had the time keep progressing in learning how to use the camera
properly and I hate to miss cute shots of Alden while playing
because I was too busy toying with controls that I don't even know how to use anyway. But I am resolving to d better with picture taking and posting here.
As far as updating on the kids, they are all good.

Zachary is getting ready to finish up 3rd grade. 3rd GRADE?! He is getting so big and tall. We have had a rough patch lately in regards to him doing his share (
ie. cleaning his room) but I hope that we are on the way out of that hole. He is still reading all of the time and enjoying playing outside.
As you can see, Alden is still the same Aldi. Aim a camera lens at him and he immediately does a funny face. He is loving ragball and growing at a rate of approximately a 6 inches per day. Or so it seems. He is starting to get freckles across his nose and his hair is getting curlier by the day. He keeps asking to cut it but I refuse to since I think the curls are glorious.
Eleanor, for all of her sassy personality, is slowly becoming a sweet little girl. Sure, she is still her same old feisty self but she is becoming a lot more loving and cuddly. And she is such a good big sister- forever bringing toys to Harper to play with. Make no mistake, she is still Eleanor and I wouldn't want her any other way but it appears as if she might be softening up a little.
Harper now has 4 teeth with 2 more coming in and crawling all over the place. She is around 20.5 lbs and such a wonderful little chunk of love. She loves to eat and will eat whatever we put in front of her. She plows through about 10 lbs of Cheerios a day. Well, maybe not 10 lbs but it seems like that much. She spends a good chunk of her day looking exactly like she looks in the pic- smiling. She tends to follow me around- just crawling and going "mamamamamama." And I promise that she does have more clothes than that onesie (which was in the last blog post)- this just happened to be on her this morning. I love the watermelon.