After being stuck inside for the past week with my bout with bronchitis/pneumonia (as well as the seemingly non-stop rain), I thought the kids deserved some outside play time. So we headed to the store and picked up a few summertime essentials- a Slip n Slide, a baby pool for Harper, and some water guns. We came home and the big kids quickly threw on their bathing suits while Harper settled in for a nap, then it was water fun time. This was the first summer that Alden has really been able to propel himself down the slide and it hilarious watching him try to go on his belly the first few times. Eventually, he gave up and decided that sliding on his knees was so much better. Zachary, of course, was an old pro at it. Eleanor just spent the majority of the time leaning her head over the water at the end of the slide and getting her hair wet. She is so weird.

Alden sliding like "a rock star"

Eleanor enjoying the baby pool, while Harper naps.
After Harper woke up, we came in and ate lunch, then spent 30 minutes searching for her bathing suit. I swear, I am tired of losing stuff- it happens all the flippin' time. Anyway, suit was found and we headed back out. We had to move the position of the Slip n Slide because it has been raining for the past week and the ground is pretty much saturated. This resulted in a big old mud puddle in the middle of the yard. So we moved the Slide, positioned the umbrella over the baby pool, and the water fun resumed.

May 30, 2009 at 10:33 PM
Looks like so much fun!!