I had decided a few weeks ago that we were not going to let this summer slip by us the same way summer has for the past few years. We tend to play outside a lot in the month or so before school is out but once school is out and the heat really hits, I tend to cocoon inside. But not this year- I decided that once a week, we were going on a field trip. Of course, thinking it and doing it are 2 different things. We began our inaugural field trip adventure by going geocaching. We haven't been in ages because 1. Justin has been gone since the weather has gotten warm enough to get out and 2. I have been very hesitant to try to take the kids alone. I mean, out of control kids plus nature does not equal a good combination. But reservations be damned and off we set this morning get some 'caching done. We headed to Pacolet to get a few there and ended in Gaffney. In Pacolet, we were nearly carried off by the gnats and drowning in the humidity but we managed to get 2 there before we had to break for lunch.
After lunch, we headed to pick up a cache at the Michael Gaffney cabin (in Gaffney obviously) only to be thwarted by the super friendly volunteer who was happy to show the kids various animal skins and talk about the history of the cabin. We finished up at the Possum Trot School where the kids ran wild.

I hope that we can stick to this resolution for the entire summer because the kids really seemed to have a blast and I know that they were happy to be able to get out of the house for something other than running errands. Plus Zachary managed to pick up quite a bit of history form his personal historical tourguide (me) and the volunteer at the cabin and that is never a bad thing.
June 10, 2009 at 7:56 AM
Glad you enjoyed the day. Good shots of Possum Trot.