On this day, one year ago, the sweetest, most perfect little baby made an appearance to complete our family. Harper Eliza was an unexpected part of our lives from beginning but has fitted in so wonderfully from the moment she was born. I spent the majority of my pregnancy worried that we might have a repeat performance of Hurricane Eleanor but Harper is such a sweet little piece of happiness. She is squishy and smiley. She loves to eat- she gets great pleasure from eating. Anything. Seriously, there's nothing that she hasn't liked so far. She has an independent streak but still loves her mommy more than anything. She likes to tag along after the bigger kids and always has a giggle ready for her special buddy, Zachary. So far, she and Eleanor get along great but we'll see how that changes when she is big enough to get into Eleanor's stuff. Alden loves to talk to her in his special baby voice. She was worth all of the weeks of uncertainty, the months of morning (all day) sickness, the hardest and longest labor that I ever endured. She was worth every single second of it- she completes our family in a way we never thought was lacking. And she's my sweetest little chunky of love. I love you and hope you have a Happy First Birthday, Harper.

Love at first sightSisters (Harper is 2 months old)

New Year's Eve with Daddy

Harper's first snow

Sisterly love
July 14, 2009 at 10:19 AM
Happy birthday to sweet baby Harper!
July 14, 2009 at 5:56 PM
Happy Birthday cutie
July 14, 2009 at 6:13 PM
July 14, 2009 at 6:27 PM
She is definitely all that and more. Happy 1st Birthday sweetheart...love Nana.