We had Harper's 1st birthday party on Saturday and had a wonderful time. Our little house was full of friends and family and laughter which is just the way it should be to celebrate such a fun occasion. I baked chocolate chip cupcakes with raspberry
buttercream icing (thanks to the Martha Stewart cupcake book for the recipes) and
they were yummy yummy yummy. I've got
buttercream left over
in the fridge and I have to fight the temptation to just dig into it with a spoon which is saying something because I am not really an icing fan. Harper enjoyed her cupcake and really didn't make that big of a mess- she is usually a fairly non-messy eater anyway. And she is not one to waste a bite of food so she keeps the crumbs to a minimum. :)

This was before she started eating- right after we sang Happy Birthday and she blew out the candle.

And this was after- notice the shiny face- apparently
buttercream is an excellent moisturizer.
Then is was time to open presents. Harper was spoiled with lots of fun toys and clothing from everyone. She loved everything and had played with all of the toys since Saturday. It has been fun to watch her because it is as though she knows exactly which toys are hers as opposed to what are Eleanor's.

If you notice Alden in the background, he is
wearing what he has started calling his "
birthday shirt." We bought it for him to wear for his birthday party (partly because it matched the Diego colors) and he insisted on wearing it on Harper's birthday on Tuesday and then again on Saturday for the party. As soon as he took it off on Tuesday, he brought it to me and asked me to wash it for the party. I have such wonderfully weird kids. I love it.