I love kites. I love the mechanics of getting them airborne and keeping them so. I have a thing for flight- planes, birds, butterflies- it is flies, I love it. I love to watch the kids getting excited for that first flight of the spring. So, every spring, we have kites. Nothing fancy, mind you, just the run-of-the-mill kites from Target. Last year, at the end of the season, I bought some of the nylon kites when they were marked down in the hopes of getting a sturdier product because between the crashes into the ground and unfortunate run-ins with the trees, the poor mylar (cheap) kites end up getting a serious beating after a few weeks. So, this morning, with a sunny sky and some breezy conditions, we brought out the kites.

Alden obviously shares my fondness for always wearing sunglasses

Despite all of the running around, the kites only got tangled once.

I love this picture so much. I love the shear joy on Eleanor's face. Her little hand holding onto the kites for dear life while the kites tries to fly away to freedom.