Justin and I were lucky enough to have the opportunity to get a weekend away this past weekend so we packed up and headed to Charleston. The last time that we went anywhere for an overnight trip (not counting me going to the hospital to have a baby) was in 2003. That's over 6 years and 3 kids later. Why did we choose Charleston? Well, it has long been one of my favorite cities. And I was determined to spend a chunk of time on a beach doing absolutely nothing. So Friday morning, we finished packing (and I shed a few tears over leaving Harper for so long) and trucked the kids over to Grammie's house. The part that I have just left out is that I woke up at 3:30 am on Friday. For some reason, when there is something exciting going on the next day, I find myself completely unable to sleep. The night before my friend Dianne's wedding, I was awake for hours. My mind just kicks into planning mode ("what am I forgetting?") and I can't turn it off to go back to sleep. Luckily for me, Justin doesn't mind a sleeping car companion so I slept for most of the ride down to the Lowcountry. It was a wonderful weekend. I love my kids dearly and I missed them (can I tell you the number of times one of would say "wow- the kids would love this"?) but it was so nice to have a break. To not have to change a diaper or referee a fight between siblings
or tell someone to please flush the damn toilet after using the bathroom. We walked around and shopped and held hands and laid on the beach. I wore a bikini for the first time in a decade (thanks to Couch to 5k and running for the past 6 weeks). We ate so much great food and walked around the streets taking pictures. It really was a perfect weekend except for the random stripes of sunburn that I got on the beach. Note to the readers (all 4 of you): when buying sunblock, remember that the clear spray stuff is tricky- it's hard to see if you have covered an entire area with it. You have now been warned. We're already planning a return trip with kids in tow- they love the beach (well, Harper has no clue what a beach is but she loves a sandbox so I think it's safe to say that she'll love it). Sure, it's bound to not be as easy and carefree as this weekend but it's bound to be tons of fun and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Justin in our hotel room

Justin posing on the beach

Folly Beach

Justin using his talents of self portraiture to get a shot of us
May 19, 2010 at 7:44 AM
Glad you guys had a weekend away.