Eleanor getting her groove on
And no pictures of Eleanor. :( I am a bad mom. It rained for most of the day and then, once the party started, she was off and running with Sophie so I neglected to get any pictures of her. Plus, she can be quite difficult to catch in a picture when she is feeling ornery. Sigh- but she was an adorable Rainbow complete with Rainbow tutu. The original plan had been for all of the kids to be weather themed- Alden was going to be lightning, but the boys bailed on that idea.
The week before the Halloween party (I didn't say this would be in chronological order), Alden's class went on a field trip to a pumpkin patch and I got to go! This was very excited since it was the first time that I got to be a chaperone. Usually, I have a baby that can't be left or a husband who is travelling so I can never go on field trip but this time the stars aligned and I was able to go. So, I hopped on the big yellow school bus and off we went.
So we headed up tot he next part of the park where they had a few rides. Including a Ferris wheel. Let's all keep in mind that Justin is not a fan of heights so I was a little incredulous when he asked the Middles if they want to ride with him. So off they went. Justin recorded a video of them going around- let's just say that watching it makes my tummy hurt...from laughing so hard. I might try to upload it later but it will probably take forever because it is long. But oh so funny. Let's just say that he was trying not to totally freak the hell out and Eleanor kept trying to lean over the rail to look down. Zachary had to ride alone since I didn't want to take Harper on it but he seemed to enjoy it.
The boys and I headed over to ride the cars. Zachary and Alden rode the lead car and Eleanor and I followed behind them. I let Eleanor steer the car and we spent most of the short trip in the wall. We headed back over towards the Ferris wheel because the guy was starting up the planes and helicopters ride and, on the way, Eleanor managed to walked straight into a pole. A metal pole. The one that they had chain hanging from to herd people into an organized line. Yep, walked straight into it. I only mention this in case you notice a big red lump on the side of her head later. She walked into a pole.
Then we headed up to the very top of the park to feed the animals. Zachary and I took the chairlift (omg- I love chairlifts) and Justin walked the rest of the kid up the hill on a gravel trail. There was a bus he could ride but he wanted the exercise, I suppose. UP there, the kids rode in boats and we fed some deer and goats. Basically the same animals that the girls saw at the zoo a few weeks ago, just a few more of them.
And that was it. We took the bus back down the hill. Stopped in a few of the shops and bought the kids some fun stuff that will drive me crazy for at least a month including a really cool carved bow and arrow set for Zachary. We took one last look at the train and headed off to our hotel. Next up, Grandfather Mountain.
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