Justin took this picture at Hatcher Gardens on Friday and I just love it. I love how you can see the food in the bird's beak. Very rarely can I capture a picture of the birds there because I tend to have the kids all underfoot and stomping around making noise so this a rare pic for us.

We took Zachary to Cowpens National Battlefield this weekend for their Anniversary events and he got to line up for kids musket practice. Apparently, he was ahead of the class since he was shooting left-handed. According to the re-enactor dude, soldiers were supposed to shoot left-handed because the gunpowder discharged on the left side of the gun so if you shot right-handed, you would get a face full of pain. Very interesting. Of course, I was totally geeking out over all the history stuff so it has hard to drag me away despite the 40 degrees of coldness going on this weekend.
On this day, four years ago, my sweetest little baby boy was born. It had been a long road to having a second child and this was the baby that we had to wait for- it took us close to 2 years to conceive him and I was beginning to wonder if we would ever have another baby. But then, four years ago, Alden was born and arrived with a firm grip on my heart. The time has passed entirely too too quickly and while I have loved every second of watching him grow into this great little boy, I am so sad that he's not my little baby boy anymore. He is such an amazing little spirt- he is quietly brilliant and so laid back. He is devoted to his DS but still loves to play with his cars. He loves to hug "his" Harper and tries to avoid crazy Eleanor. When cimbs up beside me and says "I yuv you, mommy" I feel like my heart is going to burst- that is until he follows up with "can I play Wii?" Of course, he could probably ask me to rob a bank and I am pretty sure I would at least consider it very seriously. He's a clown, he's rough and tumble when he needs to be, he's a gentle little giant, he's my little Noni. And today he is four.
Zachary has been learning about the Revolutionary War in school and being the good mother that I am (as well as a bit on the nerdy side and happy to finally have someone else excited about visiting state parks and historical monuments with me) decided that we needed to head to Kings Mountain National Park so he could learn more about our local chapter in the history of the War. Actually, we had planned on going to Cowpens Battlefield but found out that they will have re-enactors and all that good nerdy stuff next weekend so look for pics of dudes dresses up with ponytails and old muskets next week. But the Kings Moutain museum is way cool- it has all of these huge cool "trees" that you can walk in with presentations and artwork on various commanders and weaponry and whatnot.

It's been a while since we've had a WEW posting but don't think that is because Eleanor has stopped her crazy dressing. It's simply that I haven't taken any pictures of her outfits. Believe me one day, she had 4 differnt shirts- at the same time! But yesterday, when she emerged from her dressing chamber (aka her bedroom), she had on a real combination of clothing.

Look at that pose! I'm going to have to cut her access to celebrity blogs because she is starting to pose like all of the twenty-something starlets. In case, it's not apparent, she's not wearing any pants. She has on a pair of tights from last winter (size 12 months), with a pink and green polka-dot shirt and underneath that is a lavender Tinkerbell shirt. Then she tops it all off with a pair of navy and red shoes with apples. Apples!
And the award for Most Dramatic Overreaction goes to......Eleanor. And lucky(?) for us, this tends to be a daily performance even without the camera. Poor kid. Or maybe, poor Amy.