As I have mentioned before, Eleanor DOES NOT like having her picture taken. At. All. She will occasionally sit for a pic but that generally involves bribing. And even then, she is usually making a goofy face just to spite me so we now have about 19384 pics of the side of her face or the back of her head as she runs away. Well, Justin, being the wonderful and caring father that he is, thought that we needed some pics of Eleanor in her new Dora pajamas on Christmas morning and the following scene ensued.

And the award for Most Dramatic Overreaction goes to......Eleanor. And lucky(?) for us, this tends to be a daily performance even without the camera. Poor kid. Or maybe, poor Amy.
January 9, 2009 at 8:12 AM
Good gravy, too cute!
January 9, 2009 at 9:30 PM
give her a squeeze from me:)!