Here comes the sun..

With the very anticipated warm weather that we had this weekend, we took the opportunity to get out of the house and go geocaching. We haven't been out with the GPS since last May (when we had the run-in with the questionable red-tailed hawk of death) because well, it got really hot in June and I was really pregnant, then after Harper was born, well, let's just say that geocaching wasn't at the top of things-to-do list. But with the glorious weather, we loaded up the GPS with coords and headed out- only to be met with grumpy kids who had no desire to walk anywhere and were hell bent on jumping into the Pacolet River at all costs. At more than one point in the afternoon, I was carrying Harper in my front in a sling, and had either Alden or Eleanor riding piggyback. We started out with a trip to everyone's favorite place, Hatcher Gardens, which went fine (and we even got a glimpse of some blooming flowers- yay for spring!) and we finally grabbed the cache that is there. Then we headed to the Pacolet River Heritage Preserve which the intentions of getting the 5 caches there- we managed 2 and were lucky to get those given the Muggle traffic and the dispositions of Alden and Eleanor. Alden, for the most part, was okay- just tired at the end of a 2+ mile hike but Eleanor was downright miserable- bless her heart. She is so independent and doesn't want to be carried "like a baby" but she's not quite big enough to walk the whole time. She wanted to be anywhere but where she was at the time. Well, as long as she could get as close as possible to jumping into a body of water, she was fine. She is a tough little cookie- ready to jump in a creek or slide down a hill. Let's just hope that our next adventure is a little less dramatic.

2 Response to "Here comes the sun.."

  1. Laura Says:

    Glad to hear you guys were able to get outdoors and ENJOY the warm weather. We went hiking and caching ourselves and had a great day.

  2. Pam Says:

    Good for you all for taking advantage of the warm weather and getting outside! I'm so impressed with how much you get out with the kids. Just making it to Wal-mart with my one can be daunting -- so I can't imagine geocaching at two different spots with your four! Hopefully your next trip will be a little more fun for everyone. :)